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Competency 5 of the learning design and technology program at Purdue University is the ability to demonstrate active engagement in professional development. This competency is defined by one sub-competency:


  • Demonstrates the disposition for life-long learning and continuous professional development


​I am presenting three artifacts to demonstrate my active engagement in professional development. 


Sub-competency 1:  Demonstrates the disposition for life-long learning and continuous professional development

Artifact 1:  EDCI 672 – Reflection on Developing Expertise




This particular artifact was developed as a reflection and self-assessment to measure professional growth in our ability to identify problems in a number of Instructional Design case studies and provide recommendations for possible solutions. Based on the Ertmer & Stepich (2005) article, we were to rate our experience level of seven competencies from Novice to Expert. Since the definition of novice and expert can be defined differently based on the perception of each individual, I chose to include a sliding scale to indicate where I felt my experience level may range. This would also provide additional visual clarification allowing me to prioritize areas for improvement. This exercise reminded me it’s always a good idea to reflect on past projects to remind ourselves with practice makes a path towards continued perfection and continual learning.



Artifact 2: Professional L&D Organizations/ Resources, and Links


Association for Talent Development-

Member since March 11, 2013


This organizational website offers a number of resources, publications, conferences, educational workshops and certifications to professionals in the talent development industry. I believe one of the strongest benefits offered is the opportunity to be certified as a Certified Learning Professional in Learning and Performance which is widely acknowledge across the industry. Membership is available at both the National level and through local chapters.


The visual to the right is the ATD competency model which represents the competency requirements for the CPLP certification.

Since my membership with the national organization, I have taken advantage of the ATD Resources & Tools, attended webcasts, purchased and downloaded a large variety of books, magazines, and research reports, and attended workshops offered through the ATD Program Catalog and local chapters. One of my goals for the future is to complete the CPLP certification in the next five years. 


ATD Online:

Project Management for Learning Professionals Certificate- Nov. 3, 2016- Dec. 15, 2016


ATD Memphis Chapter:

Adobe Captivate 8 with Joe Ganci- May 4-6, 2015

Dave Kaiser- President of H2H Dynamics- July 1, 2015

Chapter Networking- eLearning Round Table Discussions- July 15, 2015

The Four “P”s for Building Relationship through Networking- October 07, 2016


Former member of ATD Cincinnati Chapter (2000-2005)



The eLearning Guild-

Member since April 13, 2016


This organization also offers a variety of memberships that provide opportunities to network and keep up with the latest trends in eLearning. I highly recommend taking advantage of the associate membership which is completely free. It provides access to Guild Research, job postings, webinars, ebooks, and more.

This professional community and its conferences come highly recommended by one of my favorite Instructional Designers and Convention speakers, Kevin Thorn. He tells me constantly I should commit to attending these conferences because they keep the conference on a smaller scale to prevent individuals from feeling overwhelmed with too much to see and do.


Professional Resources:


Training Magazine- The Source for Professional Development-

Subscriber since March 3, 2015

Subscriber since July 22, 2015

  • Instructional Design: Models of ID

  • iMovie 10.1.1 Essential Training

  • InDesign CS4 Getting Started

  • InDesign: Designing Templates

  • Premiere Pro CC Essential Training


Technology Tools and Professional Development Resources

e-Authoring Tools: These are all tools I currently use for content in and out of the classroom. Each provides strong features for creating engaging course materials. Throughout the last few years, I have taken the proactive approach to explore each product and take advantage of free 30 day trials and product hosted tutorials to educate myself on the functionality of each.


Articulate Studio and Articulate Storyline:

E-Learning Heroes Community:

Adobe Captivate:

Camtasia by Techsmith:

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